Insurmountable skullfort d2
Insurmountable skullfort d2

  • Open a command line by pressing Win+R and type "cmd".
  • Unzip the and note the path, for example C:/Downloads/master/D2-Gear-Calculator-master/.
  • insurmountable skullfort d2

    Unpack it and note down the path, for example C:/Downloads/python39/.

  • Go to and download Windows embeddable package (64-bit).
  • It does not add any stat mods into account, so that's up to you! Set the Weights high (~1.5) for perks you like and low (~0.4) for perks you dont care about. Put your destinyArmor.csv from DIM in the same folder as the
  • Open DIM, go to Settings and download the armor spreadsheet (at the end of the page).
  • insurmountable skullfort d2

    #Insurmountable skullfort d2 install

    Install the packages: numpy, pandas, matplotlib, networkx with py -m pip install numpy pandas matplotlib networkx.Install python 3.8 or higher (tested with 3.8 and 3.9).Download this repository, either with git clone or by downloading the ZIP-archive from github.If you find an issue, open a Gitlab issue.

    insurmountable skullfort d2

    Note 3: Please try around before you ask me stuff (like installation - if it doesn't work, it's probably user error). Note 2: It does not add any armor mods - so you can freely distribute the five mod slots to further increase the builds. Note 1: It thinks all your armor is masterworked! You basically tell the tool which stats are important for you and it will give you (hopefully) nice gear permutations. This tool takes your destinyArmor.csv from DIM and generates optimal gear-combinations depending on certain rules.

    Insurmountable skullfort d2